English translation of Maktubat Imam Rabbani (selective 100) | Mujaddid Alf sani | Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi
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This letter, written to Shaikh Darwish, discloses that we were commanded to worship so that we might attain positive, mutlaq iman:
May Allahu ta'ala, for the sake of the Highest of His prophets "salawatullahi 'alaihim', let us, who are good for nothing, know real iman! Men were created to perform the worships commanded. Performing the commands is done to obtain yaqin (positive iman), which is the truth of iman. The meaning of the last ayat of Hijr Sura may be: "Worship your Allah so that you may obtain yaqin." The word "hatta' may come to mean, "to cause' as well as "until, so far.' In a way, the iman which is obtained before worshipping is not iman itself but its shape. It is declared in an ayat, "for obtaining yaqin", that is, "so that you may obtain iman itself." It is declared in the one hundred and thirty-fifth ayat of Nisa Sura: "O, thou who have iman! Have iman!" Its meaning is "O those who have obtained the shape of iman! Attain iman itself by worshipping!"
Wilayat, that is, being Awliya, means to reach the two grades called fana and baqa. Reaching fana and baqa is intended to obtain this yaqin. But it is ilhad and zindiqness (going out of the din) to believe such things as uniting with Allahu ta'ala or entering Him by saying fanafillah and baqabillah.
[It is written in the third volume of Ibni Abidin: Those who claim to be Muslims though they are not Muslims but disbelievers, are called munafiq, zindiq, dahri and mulhid. Among them there are also those who sometimes perform namaz, fast and even perform hajj. A munafiq is in another religion. He does not admit that Hadrat Muhammad is a Prophet. A dahri does not even admit that Allahu ta'ala exists; he denies Him. A mulhid says that he believes both of them, but he has slipped down into disbelief and dissented from the Shariat. His belief is corrupt. He views himself as a good Muslim. He calls those who are not like him kafirun (disbelievers). A zindiq does not believe in Allahu ta'ala, the Shariat, the harams and halals. He does not have any faith. He says that he believes Hadrat Muhammad "alaihi 's-salam". Of such people, those who introduce their profane ideas as Islam are very dangerous. A murtad is a person who has renegaded from Islam. He does not conceal the fact that he is a kafir. Communists and Masons belong to the Dahri group.]
Yes, when making progress on the way of tasawwuf some excitement like intoxication occurs because of the excessive love towards Allahu ta'ala. At such moments some information is misunderstood. Such excitement should be passed, jumped over. It is necessary to repent, to beg Allahu ta'ala's pardon for such understandings. Ibrahim bin Shayban-i Qazwini "qaddasallahu ta'ala arwahahum', one of the great men of tasawwuf, says, "An understanding of fana and baqa exists in those who have a true belief in the fact that Allahu ta'ala is one and who do their worships correctly. Whatever others say about fana and baqa is a lie and zindiqness." This word of his is exactly right and shows that he is in the right way.
Fana-fillah means to become fani in the things which Allahu ta'ala likes. That is, it means to love only His lovers, to make His lovers one's own love. This is the meaning of words such as Sayr-i ilallah and Sayr-i fillah. Mayan Shaikhullah Bakhsh is a person embellished with salah, taqwa, and other virtues. The people with him are numerous. If he asks for your help, it will be kind of you to facilitate him. Salams to you and to those who are on the right way!